Suzanne and Katrina were put in touch with Laura Feaveryear from Creative Jam by  Sarah Page from the Kindness Collective. as she knew Special Gifts was looking for support around branding and that Laura was looking for a community-focused project. Over coffee at Flourish Cafe Katrina, Laura, and Suzanne quickly established that there was a synergy between Laura’s experience and Special Gifts Mission. 

Laura is a storyteller, concept, copywriter, designer, and photographer, and within minutes of meeting her, she brought the Special Gift’s brand to the next level.

I had been looking for a project to give back to the disability community. When I heard about the mission of Special Gifts, I knew it was a great fit for me and Creative Jam
Laura Feaveryear
Creative Director, Creative Jam

Not only was Laura the creative director of Creative Jam, a company that boasts multiple national and international brands, but she is also a mother like Suzanne and has first-hand experience of the barriers for disabled people regarding employment. Laura was born with a rare eye condition that left her short-sighted. Although it never stopped her from chasing her creative dream, not everyone saw the unique perspective her disability gave her.  

Like we do at Special Gifts, Creative Jam believes that we can achieve great things through determination and solutions that support our capabilities. We are excited to continue working with Laura as she continues to help not only the Special Gift brand and also our partners’ brands.